Capture Offline vs Not Capture



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    Hi David,

    Here below a little explanation:

    • Capture Online > When the invoice is submitted, the system captures the payment from the third-party payment gateway. You have the ability to create a credit memo.
    • Capture Offline > When the invoice is submitted, the system does not capture the payment. It is assumed that the payment is captured directly through the gateway, and you no longer have the option to capture this payment through your Zoey store. You have the ability to create a credit memo.
    • Not Capture > When the invoice is submitted, the system does not capture the payment. It is assumed that you will capture the payment through Zoey at a later date. The completed invoice (Order view > Invoices) will have a Capture button allowing you to complete the task. Before capturing, you are able to cancel the invoice. After capturing you are able to create a credit memo.

    Please Note: Do not select Not Capture unless you are certain that you are going to capture the payment through Zoey at a later date. You will not be able to create a credit memo until the payment has been captured using the Capture button.


    Hope it helps.

    Kind regards,


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