Guest checkout email follow up/confirmation page - create your account
Something I think is really lacking on the Zoey system at the moment is guest checkout. There are two elements that would drastically improve the capabilities of the platform and allow merchants to better manage their customers.
#1 - Confirmation page for guests should have the option (if chosen by merchant) to suggest a customer creates an account. A-la-Amazon, style
Customer chooses to checkout as guest > Completes purchase > confirmation page has a section that (ideally is customizable) allows a customer to enter a password which will complete the account creation process. Example would be "enter a password for faster checkout on your next order" Again, ideally customizable by merchant on the text and whether this is activated or not.
While guest checkout is great, we all want a customer to create an account. It allows us to better serve them if they have an issue, track their lifetime orders, and is easier for them to review their order information should they want to.
In the event the customer creates the account, the order should be tied to it.
#2 Guest checkout email follow up - There should be in relation to the above mentioned feature, a follow up email that operates similarly where it says " Hey, did you know that creating an account does all these great things for you? Complete your registration by entering a password here and your order information will be added to your new account".
#3 - Bonus round - Customer recognition in guest checkout - If a customer is checking out and HAS an account, they may not remember or for whatever reason decide they dont want to log in. The system should recognize they have an email associated and suggest they login. Currently, even if you have an account it allows you to checkout with that same email as a guest. I guess technically you should be allowed, but there should be some kind of notice being like "hey, you have an account enter your password for faster checkout".
Currently how the checkout first page is, while definitely a huge improvement from before - it just doesnt shout "Hey, you should log in!" The login text is small and kind of of to the side, whereas the continue as a guest is a nice big button. I think this hurts us, and in turn our customer service and experience.
I'd like to see all of these, but the last paragraph addresses something that seems obviously backwards by Zoey, should be a quick easy fix, and that I noticed because we just happened to recently ask our web designer to try to customize/change before seeing the post (they reported they couldn't as Zoey pretty much has the checkout page locked down).
By Zoey having it backwards stated above, and as you outlined, why would anyone want the "Check out as Guest" to be listed first and as a large, eye catching button, and then have the "Log in/Register" in small plain text? The emphasis should be to get the customers to register/log in by making that option first and prominently displayed, and the guest checkout option should be the option that somewhat blends in.
This should be a quick easy fix. I'd like the other items as well, but realize they may be a more involved design change.
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