Improve the Design Editor for Tablet and Mobile




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    I'm not sure I totally agree with the original poster on the issues. I did after much playing figure out ways to make my tablet and mobile versions look pretty good. It does take some playing and a lot of rework to get things going. 

    I would like to see more ability to refine the layout for the mobile version though. 

    The mobile version also needs to have the ability to add items to the mobile menu. For example, it would be nice to have a "my account" link in the mobile menu. 

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    Hi Wayne! Maybe I'm doing something wrong? What theme are you using? It would be great if you could let me know your website address to check over how yours looks. Below is the category view of our website on a mobile ... I cannot seem to get products to display in 2 columns so it creates a lot of customer scrolling.

    Current mobile website


    New design tool mobile website

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    Nope, you are 100% correct on that one, it is limited to a single column. :( 

    I feel Zoey could do a lot more with the mobile version controls. I fully appreciate that they would like to keep it very simple to use, but with mobile being a very large part of customer visits these days I wish they would give a little more attention to this matter. 

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    Tablet as well. Tablet is doing more sales than mobile for us.

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