[Imported' How do I re-order products within a category
I logged into Zoey today to re-organize some products in order of appearance on their respective pages, but noticed the format has changed.
I used to be able to select the category then go in and each product was numbered as to the order in which they appear. I am not finding this that now.
Please let me know how I can accomplish this?
Official comment
Managing your product sort order can now be done with Drag & Drop! In Products>Categories, select your category and click "Manage Products". Then you will see an "Organize Products" section. Here you can:
- drag & drop to sort your products,
- Click the Gear Icon to specify a sort position manually
- Or change the default sort order of your products on that category page to be something different like Price High to Low or Sale Products on top.
You can read more about the new interface here: https://support.zoey.com/docs/manage-products-in-categories
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