Entering a new address during checkout
PlannedWhen the "Ship to" frame loads during checkout, and the customer has an address(es) in their address book, there is no option or way within the default view to enter a new address. The option to enter a new address is hidden from view and the customer has to hunt for it.
As it is now, the default view when the "ship to" frame loads is the first address from the address book is visible in the drop down window and there is a checkbox labeled "use billing address". All of the shipping address data input fields (name, street, city, state, zip, etc) are hidden from view. So there's option in view to enter a new address. When a customer wants to enter a new address, the only way they accomplish that is to click on the drop down menu box to expand it and then find & select "new address".
It should be more intuitive to enter a new address than a customer having to hunt for the "new address" selection that is hidden from view by default. We've had numerous contacts from customers that reported they didn't see a way to enter a different shipping address, and I'm sure some potential customers just moved on without saying anything.
There are numerous possible fixes. One would be to make the "new address" selection visible initially as the default selection in the drop down box, and then have the address book entries become visible below that after they expand the dropbox. Another would be to not hide the shipping address data input fields by default so that they could intuitively just start filling them in. Yet another would be to add a "new address" checkbox in plain sight in the default view just like the "use billing address" checkbox.
Official comment
Hi - thank you for your note. I agree that this can be improved. The challenge we discovered once we started to look into this is that many third party apps would need to update their software to be compatible with these changes. Therefore it will take a bit of time to get a solution for this. We appreciate your patience!
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