What is in the abandoned cart?




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    Only when a customer has logged in or added an email address. I personally find this flawed, our last cart allowed us to view all abandoned cart items regardless of that step but broke it down into what stage the customer was at. Cart, Checkout 1, 2, 3, 4 etc. This way we can see items in an abandoned cart even if a customer wasnt "assigned' to it by adding their info. It was still helpful for when say a customer called in, and mentioned they were on our site we could easily find where they were and leave off from there. 

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    Hi David,

    Unfortunately not yet for all abandoned carts - if it's already a registered customer in your store you can see it by simply clicking on the line of the abandoned cart.

    It will then open the cart in the customer's account with the items in it.

    You can recognize if it's a customer when there's a green bar next to cart id in the abandoned carts.

    Could be a feature request to have it also for guest customer.

    Kind regards,


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    I have found if you highlight and copy the abandoned cart url, and paste. You can then see what they chose.  This however sometimes places the items in your cart, so you may need to empty your own visible cart afterwards.

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