Please add page navigation links to bottom of category pages.
AnsweredRight now, if there are enough products in a category that you have multiple pages, there is a link at the top of the products to forward the viewer to the next page, but no link at the bottom. This means that whenever you get done viewing a page full of items, you have to scroll back up to the top to go to the next page. This is inefficient, and I have had multiple customers complain about it. (I also think it keeps some people from going on the the next page because they don't realize there are more pages--there is no indication at the bottom of the products that there might be more on another page.)
It would also be nice if this were added to the Products list in the back office interface as well.
Official comment
You can already do this.
If you go to Edit My Design and then open any page and then go to the CSS/Javascript/HTML editor (see image below) there is a line of code you can remove
If you remove these three lines you will see the pagination / page numbers at the bottom#pix-fe .toolbar-bottom {
display: none;
Go ahead and click Save and then Publish - you should see it!Comment actions
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