Comment box for Order




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    This is a very important feature, from a customer service standpoint you want to avoid having to have the customer unnecessarily contact you for instructions that may be required post purchase. This can stop them from making an order altogether.

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    I agree. This would be especially helpful for products with multiple options (e.g. color) that are not separated into different SKUs.

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    Agree as well; we really have a need for comments both at line item level and for the order as a whole.

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    This is a critical feature for us.

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    This would be absolutely key for us. Our product lines are heavily targeted, so the option to 'qualify' the suitability of a product for a particular customer BEFORE we fulfil/ship the order would make a lot of difference to us.

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    The closest thing we've been able to do so far is to create a textarea Custom Option at Product level, where a customer would be able to enter additional comments/requests/etc per line item

    That said, using it also comes with a bug that we've reported and Zoey has been working to correct: if you create a textarea Custom Option for a Product and then other types of Custom Options as well (e.g. a drop-down list of options for the customer to choose from) - the textarea options messes up the backend display in your Admin screen of any other options you have - for example, if you have a drop-list of 10 option values the customer can choose from, you suddenly can only see two in a truncated state.

    Note that this bug actually only effects how it displays in your Admin screens - all the other options you may have actually still work properly and display on the customer-facing side of things as they should. And if you delete the textarea Custom Option, the others will revert back to how they should be. The problem with all of this is, if you want to edit one of the other options - say, add another item to your drop-down list of sizes, for example - you can't unless you first delete the textarea Option, after which you have to recreate it again after you're done editing the other one.

    Again, I've reported this bug and Zoey support says they've confirmed the bug and are working on the solution.


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    This would enable a customer to provide a requested delivery date for their order, to help prioritize expedites.

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    I agree with this, it helps especially when there are items that need further customization

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    It's great but not for everyone. I used to use this feature on my old platform and what I didn't like about it is customers would basically write a comment just to write a comment like "Please ship fast", I need this in 2 days please" or Please ship ASAP". Lets say your handling time is 5 business days. You see their notes while processing their order and you ship within 5 days, you know the customer has no clue what your shipping policy is. They get upset you didn't ship it same day or next day. At the customer's stand point, they feel that the order SHOULD be expidited no matter what because "they wrote that comment" during checkout. Mind you they didn't pay extra for expidited shipping. This leads to communication problems and extra time out of your day to send extra emails if you want to please them. I have no need for this because and feel that if the client has a special request, they can email me the old fashioned way.

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