Category sidebar block using New Design Tools
When using the New Design Tools, we need to be able to add a dynamic Category/sub-category sidebar to pages.
Because this navigation block is available in the Classic Design Tools, it is already familiar to customers and in the design. Switching to the New Design Tools requires creation of text blocks with links to replicate the design. Every time categories are changed or a product changes categories, these text blocks will need maintenance, in languages. This discourages if not prohibits use of the New Design Tools on a store that has been using a Category sidebar.
Minimum viable features should be:
- Category sidebar which reflects visible categories
- Sidebar can be added to Home page, Catalog (category) pages, and product detail pages
- Translations of categories appear in translated store views
- If enabled (by store view), the number of products can be shown in each category with ( )
- If enabled (by store view), sub-categories can expand/collapse
Thank you!
We will need a side bar as well since we have many categories and subcategories. A top navigation only site is not well suited for any larger store with multiple or overlapping products and categories. This side bar should not be displayed when in mobile view but allowed for display via the "Hamburger" Icon which has become a easily recognized standard for opening up navigation on phones or small tablets. Please add this feature to your new templates, they are pretty much worthless to large stores without this option.
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