Editing Orders



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    The problem here is how Magento works at its core, which is what Zoey is based on. I agree that this is a huge problem, I had suggested an "offline" payment option that allows you to replace an order for something that has already been paid by selecting a payment method that is not truly linked to anything, ie; just textual. 


    So say a customer has paid via credit card and you have to change the order, but the balance is the same (or less). You can select a payment method you made called "Paid via PayPal" that is internal only (say if it he/she paid by PayPal). and adjust the price down if necessary. 

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    In last decision phase, considering a migration to Zoey – is it still unavailable to edit certain order details? Thank you! 

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    Way too much trouble to make a change when a customer requests a change from size large to size med on an item, or for us to correct a typo on what's to be engraved on an ID tag, all of which doesn't involve a change of price. I wish we could access and edit items on the order just as we are allowed to do on the address.

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