Control over associated category filters



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    I agree wholeheartedly! This is a definite must have feature that would give the more of a "drill down" search experience to the customer. It would definitely make the category filter less confusing when on the parent category pages. I imagine the implementation like this: on the product attributes page, for each attribute, choose from a drop-down list the categories in which a filter attribute should be displayed.

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    To amend my original idea/post;


    I think the easiest way to have this accomplished is to add a "do not display in category" section that allows you to then select from a drop down, or other means (link, etc) which categories to omit this from being filterable in. 


    So if I want it to be a filterable attribute, but not when a customer is on X page it will act as Id like it to.



    Reason this is important:

    Say I have two top tier categories, T Shirts (because its popular) and Clothes. I may have a subcategory under Clothes. Now I want to have customers be able to filter by T Shirts when under the Clothes main category. If I set T Shirts as a filterable attribute, then when I am on the T Shirt category I mentioned earlier, it will show on the lefthand side " T Shirts" as a filterable attribute that will as far as the end user is concerned, just refresh the page since all these products are already T Shirts.

    I could theoretically use a sub cat to Clothes in this scenario, but in many situations it is not as simple, as with my own store.



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    Bumping this 

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