*** WYSIWYG inconsistency across website tools - Still needs work!
The WYSIWYG Editor has gone through a lot of changes at Zoey, and in some places you nailed it. I cannot figure out why though, some tools have less WYSIWYG features than others? I can edit the line spacing and font size on the design editor, but I can't come remotely close on the Category description?
I can bold or underline to my hearts content in one spot, but other areas leave me with no control whatsoever.
Please, please please set it so that we can have maximum control over our content in a consistent manner. It is imperative that we can control: Font, Color, Size, Heading Style, HTML, Embedding, Link type (Blank, etc), Bulletpoint, Indentation, Bold, Underline, Strike Through.. PLEASE, and thank you :)
I am trying to build out content pages and add content to categories, but my words are nearly stuck together with what seems like -1 font spacing. I want to highlight certain elements but cant bold without using HTML (which doesn't always work well) and I cant.
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