Page editor widget for adding breadcrumbs on info pages
CompletedI'd like to know what it would cost to have developed an editor widget where the input would be 'title-path' pairs, something like this:
Home /
Page Title 1 /pathToPage
Page Title 2 /pathToThisPage
(there would be room for maybe 5 or so of these pairs)
Also would be good to be able to designate the separator...
Separator: |
The result would be a visual representation in breadcrumb format like this:
Home | Page Title 1 | Page Title 2
The resulting HTML code would also contain structured data for search engines to read. I could provide sample HTML if desired.
Suggestions welcome.
Official comment
In Zoey v2.36.0-0 we are releasing a new component in the "Building Blocks" section of the +Add Menu for custom breadcrumbs. You can specify the "Crumbs" and the Separator. It will generate the BreadcrumbList meta tagging as well. Your store should have this feature later today (Dec 19th).
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