Creating Stand Alone Credits



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    Thanks for the follow up information.

    As I understand it, the feature request is that each time a Store Credit is issued stand alone credit with a comment is created. At checkout, Customers are able to select which Credits they wish to apply and that will be shown in the totals. I understand what you are asking for and we can look into building this into the future.

    For now when you are creating a Credit Memo you can add a Comment on the Order reflecting why the Store Credit was given. The ability to have the Credits be Stand Alone is not available.

    I cannot provide a timeline for this as but should this feature be built out in the future we will update this thread.

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    Hi - thank you for your feature suggestion. Could you not create the Credit Memo and refund it to Store Credit? Why would that not work?

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    I can create a custom credit amount, and refund it to store credit without identifying any of the products on an order, but for example, if we want to create a customer satisfaction credit due to a poor customer service experience, or something similar, while your method does generate a document, it does not generate any information regarding why the credit was generated. However, if I could "Create Credit Memo" and use a non stock item on it, I could create a non stock item such as "Customer Satisfaction" and I could assign it a given dollar amount to provide my customer with a store credit they could use on their account. They would also have a useable document that they could reference which would show that they received 30.00 in store credit lets say via an item called "Customer Satisfaction". In our industry specifically as well, we deal with many vendor credits that are passed through us, the distributor, and given to our customers, the retailer, so by not being able to store these credits as stand alone credits in Zoey, it is hard for our customers to keep up with what credits they have received and what they have received them for. 

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    You can see here, this is what just use a custom dollar amount against an existing order and refund it to store credit. The issues here are as follows:

    1. This credit is linked to an order, in the event this were a customer satisfaction credit, or a vendor rebate credit, we would not want it tied to any specific order.

    2. The other issue is that there is no way to identify what this credit is for on this document that got created. So if this were customer satisfaction, our customers, when logging into their portal, would have no clue. Or if it were vendor rebate related, they would also have no idea.

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    Overall I would say the request would be if we could get a "+Add New Credit Memo" button similar to the one found on the Order list screen shown approve, where we could add on non-stock items, and generate credit memo documents onto customer accounts, so that they could view these document son their portal that would be great. Overall the document would contain the non stock item SKU used, and comments could be generated on this document as well. I think this would benefit a great number of Zoey users.

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    Ryan - please do not spam other posts with a link asking to upvote this. We have deleted your posts in those other threads.

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    Hi, just wanted to check in on this to see if there are any updates? @ZoeySupport

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    We posted an official reply above - no further information is available at this time. This is on the future roadmap for sometime in late 2023. It may get bumped up, I do not have that information though.


    Thanks for the follow up information.

    As I understand it, the feature request is that each time a Store Credit is issued stand alone credit with a comment is created. At checkout, Customers are able to select which Credits they wish to apply and that will be shown in the totals. I understand what you are asking for and we can look into building this into the future.

    For now when you are creating a Credit Memo you can add a Comment on the Order reflecting why the Store Credit was given. The ability to have the Credits be Stand Alone is not available.

    I cannot provide a timeline for this as but should this feature be built out in the future we will update this thread.

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    No worries, just wanted to follow up, thanks for your response :) 

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